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A list of poo things
College, fat birds/blokes (chunky is not poo-grrrr!), rain, walking, buses, poo, SCOTTISH PEOPLE, English football team, Malcolm Halsey, peadophiles, exams, vegetables, mother's birthdays, strict doormen (feckin meatheads), small willies (like PAJ hahahaha), fat asses, small tits (like Suzie's hahahaha), Osama Bin Laden, Dinner ladies, wasps, quake, people who can't spell, ginger people, people who fancy themselves, burning youreself on the grill (but only for retards who can't cook-reference again to Suzie), frizzy hair, German teachers, boring old people, mopeds, continentals, fit barmen that fuck you (literally) around, barrow, stress of christmas eve, marmite (you either love it or hate it), smelly feet, yellow teeth, cigarettes, winning a ticket to Amsterdam then giving it away (Paj again), turkish take away owners, rabies, babies, banana flavoured condoms, condoms, baggy t-shirts on fit birds, cold weather, dead people, titanic, bravo before 8, child minders, beans, safeway, martini's (the club). the highlander, Jeffersons, men with breasts, leeds, goths, stray dogs, blue bottles, vomit, comet, currys (for electrical appliances and all your home needs), salads, clocks which tell the wrong time, perfectionists, lemons, lemon heads, pigeons, alchoholics, you

Please don't sue us!
We really do care about you people so don't be offended if any of the categories apply to you (especially the you one). We don't mean any offence to anyone, apart from Bin Laden. Twat.

This man's willy is poo!!