Be afraid, be very afraid!
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You ever wondered what sorta people dare hang around with two lunatics that have so much time they made a pointless website? WELL LOOK NO FURTHER CHILDREN!!!

The gang!!!!!

Our friend Liam....cleverly disguised as a mounty

Lamb on one his body building crusades......just for Tina

Little Tom.......a scarecrow is the only career oppurtunity in Urswick

Louise, our little angel. And yes she is normally naked.

Big Al-world beater

Helen-if she smokes any more cigarettes she'll look like one

Our loveable little friend Craig, HE REALLY IS THIS LITTLE!!!

Helen's tag along Shaun.....Men run if you see her or you'll never leave college alive!!!!!

Danny, smooth bastard

Louise on a Saturday night in Barrow

Our Suzie. Yes i'd be getting to the pulling Suzie page too if I saw that...

V cool baby. No reason.

Fashion personified-Adrian

Macca......handsome boy. Little confusing, both his parents are white.......god damn swingers!!