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Yes i have found time to do something. Lazy twat.
Hello!! Well yeah it's just me, Paj. You can probably guess that I'm quite bored. EVERYONE HAS BAILED OUT ON ME!!! Apparentely all my friends were 'second years'. Any fucking excuse! I wanna get out of here but you don't hear me prancing around saying "HA HA finished college now we are off to the pub Paj". Ignorant bastards, quite glad we got rid of them now! OH THE SOUND OF INNER TURMOIL RIGHT ON THIS VERY SITE. Just like neighbours. Or boiling an egg. Er, yeah, whatever. Anyway, good night Friday or so I heard!! Liam (the Canadian mounty) was in the car park throwing up rather violently for an hour and half while I nearly did on the way home THANKS LOUISE! Yeah you may have heard that she got it on with Chubby in the back of the minibus. True it is. Yes we all got a good smell of the juices that were flowing there!! And don't even mention where Chubby's Nokia found itself as we heard the screams of 'ga' and 'that's my daddy' right at the front. Hopefully Liam's photos will develop and you can all get a look at the action!!!

The new guy.....yummmmm
This is Adrian, since everyone has left us I thought I best put a picture of someone who is here on. But he's a babe anyway so I'm not complaining!

Always providing a service!!!
You thought we couldn't put any more crap on this site? YOU WERE VERY VERY WRONG. When posed with a question such as "what is chlorine????" we do not simply leave our very nice fans to sit there and wonder, we get to the bottom of it. We have looked at a good 2, yes 2, sites from google and I think we have cracked this one (or possibly just cracked up) for you Kursty my Scottish pal. You would never have thought chlorine was so god damn interesting!


Dioxin, a chemical byproduct of the manufacturing of chlorinebleached paper, is believed to be the single most carcinogenic chemical known to science.

When you open the door of your dishwasher after washing, toxic volatized chlorine from dish detergent and tap water is released into the air.

Thanks to chlorine pollution, Americans ingest a daily amount of dioxin that is already 300 to 600 times greater than the EPA's so-called "safe" dose.

The US Environmental Protection Agency has found dioxin to be 300,000 times more potent as a carcinogen than DDT.

Dioxin has been linked to endometriosis, immune system impairment, diabetes, neurotoxicity, birth defects, decreased fertility, and reproductive dysfunction in both women and men.

Studies show that 40-70 percent of the dioxin in bleached coffee filters can leach into your coffee; dioxin found in paper milk cartons also leaches into the milk you drink.

Cancer-causing chemicals like chlorine found in many household products such as coffee filters, disposable diapers, paper towels, and bathroom tissue are readily absorbed through the skin.

What the site is all about.....
This site is not aboute a lot. We have poo, our sixth form (not much different from poo) and our table. YOU'RE IN FOR ONE HELL OF A RIDE KIDS!!!!! Oh yeah we are adding a links page Friday 24th May so you can visit all the sites we like-you will end up twisted like us!

And the new couple....the things dreams are made of
This is Macca and Keeley, the couple on our table. JUST IMAGINE THE KIDS.