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Ok you're probably thinking what the hell do these people look at to make them so god damn strange? WELL HERE'S THE ANSWER YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!!! Well it probably isn't but who cares?? This is the seventh page on the site.....makes me feel like jacking off. Hopefully on Suze.


Irn Bru official Oh yes the official site for Irn Bru, the orange liquid those ding-bats consume all day long in that strange little country kindly (it's the only time we will be) refer to as Scotland
Somethingawful.com Liam bums this site. No we don't mean literally YOU FOOL.
Your mum No it's not your mum (you'll find her on backdoorbitches.com), check it out
The spark Find out who you really are, if you already know you're a twat (you're on this site what else could you be-answers on a postcard please) you need not bother.

Funny.co.uk With a name like that it better fucking had be funny! Links to all the cool sites in the UK.
Smalldicks.com Just to prove Lamb isn't the only one.......
???? You have to check this site out!!!
Rotten.com These people look just too much like me to find it funny but if you're fortunate enough not to look like me and Suze (well her especially-i just put my name there to make her feel better) be a nasty cunt and have a laugh
Fatbitches.com if you didn't find your mum on backdoorbitches.com she'll be in here somewhere
Laugh.com Has everything, including mass suicides so if you are a BSFC student you best not go on, we on't want to be responsible for pushing you over the edge, we're depressed enough
Hot or not Be a twat and shatter a fat bird's self esteem, it's her fault for putting her pic on it
Studentmax.co.uk Essential guide for students.....includes a guide to pulling! Yay! If it fails there's still Suzie, let's hope you never have to stoop that low
???? It will be the nmost pointless thing you do today but go on do it anyway